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77Reyes, G. and L. Vasseur. 2003. Factors influencing deer browsing damage to red spruce (Picea rubens) seedlings in coastal red spruce-balsam fir stands of southwestern Nova Scotia. For. Ecol. Manage. 186: 349-357.EprAR
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81Day, M. E. 2000. Influence of temperature and leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit on net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in red spruce (Picea rubens). Tree Physiol. 20: 57-63.EprAR
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82Alexander, J. D., J. R. Donnelly and J. B. Shane. 1995. Photosynthetic and transpirational responses of red spruce understory trees to light and temperature. Tree Physiol. 15: 393-398.EprAR
82Kershaw, L. 2001. Trees of Ontario. Lone Pine publishing. 240 p.ExoOG
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84Busing, R. T. and E. F. Pauley. 1994. Mortality trends in a southern Appalachian red spruce population. For. Ecol. Manage. 64: 41-45.EprAR
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85Schaberg, P. G., J. B. Shane, G. J. Hawley, G. R. Strimbeck, D. H. DeHayes, P. F. Cali et J. R. Donnelly. 1996. Physiological changes in red spruce seedlings during a simulated winter thaw. Tree Physiol. 16: 567-574.EprAR
86Iverson, L. R., A. M. Prasad, B. J. Hale and E. K. Sutherland. 1999. Atlas of current and potential future distributions of common trees of the eastern United States. U. S. D. A. Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. Gen. tech. rep. NE-265. 245 p.ExoMOS
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87Lund, A. E. and W. H. Livingston. 1998. Freezing cycles enhance winter injury in Picea rubens. Tree Physiol. 19: 65-69.EprAR
88Strimbeck, G. R. and D. H. DeHayes. 2000. Rapid freezing injury in red spruce: seasonal changes in sensitivity and effects of temperature range. Tree Physiol. 20: 187-194.EprAR
89Blum, B. M. et D. S. Solomon. 1980. Growth trends in pruned red spruce trees. U.S. Department of Agriculture. For. Serv., Northeastern For. Exp. Station, Broomall, PA, Research Note NE-294.EprFI
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92Major, J. E, A. Mosseler, D. C. Barsi and M. Campbell. 2007. Comparative nutrient economy, stable isotopes, and related adaptive traits in Picea rubens, Picea mariana, and their hybrids. Trees. 21: 677-692. EprAR
93Prévost, M. 2008. Effects of cutting intensity on microenvironmental conditions and regeneration dynamics in yellow birch - conifer stands. Can. J. For. Res., 38: 317-330.BojAR
94Fajvan, M. A. and R. S. Seymour. 1993. Canopy stratification, age structure, and development of multicohort stands of eastern white pine, eastern hemlock, and red spruce. Can. J. For. Res. 23: 1799-1809.EprAR
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BB48Rose, A. H. et O. H. Lindquist. 1982. Insectes des feuillus de l'est du Canada. Min. Env., Serv. Can. For., Ottawa. Publ. No 29F. 304 p.IMOG
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BB50Sinclair, W. A., Lyon, H. H. et W. T. Johnson. 2005. Diseases of trees and shrubs, 2e edition, Comstock Publishing Associates, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, Londres, 660 p.IMOG
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BB58Hightshoe, G. L. 1978. Natives Trees for Urban and Rural America - A Planting Design Manual for Environnemental Designers. Ames, Iowa State University. 141 p.FROG
BB59Basham, J. T. 1991. Stem Decay in Living Trees in Ontario's Forests: a User's Compendium and Guide. For. Can., Ont. Region, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Inf. Rep. O-X-408. 69 p.IMMOS
BB60Innes, L., L. Marchand et S. Simard. 2006. Principales maladies des arbres au Québec. 3e Éd. Les Publications du Québec, Québec. 89 p.IMOG
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BB62Safford, L. O., J. C. Bjorkbomet and J. C. Zasada. 1990. Betula papyryfera Marsh. In Silvics of North America. Vol 2. Hardwoods. USDA For. Serv., Washington. 158-171.Boc-PopOG
BB63Pin, D., V. Laflèche, A. Patry et J. Poirier. 1998. Le bouleau à papier. Les Éditions à Main Nues inc., Québec. 95 p.BopMOS
BB64Taris, B. 1981. Les maladies du peuplier. Ass. Forêt-Cellulose (AFOCEL), Champagne-sur-Seine, Presses Soc. d'exploitation de l'imprimerie Couesnon. 197 p. PeMOS
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BB66Allen, E., D. Morrison and G. Wallis. 1996. Common Tree Diseases of British Columbia. Nat. Res. Canada, Can. For. Serv., Pacific For. Center. Victoria (BC). 178 p.IMOG
BB67Arsenault, J. et L. Breton. 2001. Insectes et maladies des peupliers dans les pépinières forestières. Dir. Conservation des forêts, MRN. 49 p.PeOG
BB68Ressources naturelles Canada. 2008. Arbres et arbustes du Nouveau-Brunswick : espèces menacées - Betula cordifolia Regel. Disponible en ligne: http://www.scf.rncan.gc.ca/soussite/mx-212BocOG
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BB70Smith, C. C., W. R. Newell et T. R. Renault. 1981. Maladies et insectes communs du sapin baumier cultivé comme arbre de Noël. Env. Can., Serv. Can. For. Fredericton (N.-B). Publ. 1328F. 64 p.IM-SabOG
BB71Turgeon, J. et P. De Groot. 1993. Vergers à graines de conifères : identification des ravageurs et guide de protection. Min. ress. nat., Forêts Canada, Inst. Répression des ravageurs forestiers. Sault Ste. Marie (Ont.). 111 p.IMOG
BB72Hedlin, A. F., H. O. Yates III, D. C. Tovar, B. H. Ebel, T. W. Koerber et E. P.Merkel. 1980. Cone and Seed Insects of North American Conifers. Env. Canada, Can. For. Serv., Ottawa (Ont.). 122 p. IMOG
BB73Sutherland, J. R., T. M. Miller et R. S. Quinard. 1987. Cone and Seed Diseases of North American Conifers. North American Forestry Commission. Victoria, B.C., Publ. no 1. 77 p. IMOG
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BB75Rose, A. H. et O. H. Lindquist. 1973. Insectes des pins de l'est du Canada. Min. Env., Serv. Can. For., Ottawa. Publ. no 1313. 127 p.IMOG
BB76Rose, A. H. et O. H. Lindquist. 1977. Insectes des épinettes, du sapin et de la pruche de l'est du Canada. Min. Env., Serv. Can. For., Ottawa. Rap. Tech. no 23F. 159 p.IMOG
BB77Rose, A. H. et O. H. Lindquist. 1980. Insectes du mélèze, du thuya et du génévrier de l'est du Canada. Min. Env., Serv. Can. For., Ottawa. Rap. Tech. no 28F. 100 p.IMOG
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BB79Boulet, B. 1990. Problématique associée aux attaques de Zeiraphera canadensis Mut. et Free. (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae) dans les plantations d'épinettes au Québec. Revue d'entomologie du Québec, 35 : 45-62.IMAR
BB80Gagnon, R. R., G. Pelletier, B. Boulet et M. Chabot. 1990. Comparaison de deux secteurs d'une même plantation inégalement endommagée par Zeiraphera canadensis Mut. et Free. (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae). Revevue d'entomologie du Québec, 35 : 63-78.IMAR
BB81Katovich, S. A., D. G. McCullough et R. A. Haack. 1995. Yellowheaded Spruce Sawfly - Its Ecology and Management. U.S. Department of Agriculture, For. Serv., North Central For. Exp. Station, St. Paul, MIN. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-179. 25 p.Epb - IMMOS
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BB86Peterson, G. W. 1981. Pine and Juniper Diseases in the Great Plains. USDA, For. Serv. Rocky Mountain For. and Range Exp. Station, Fort Collins, Colo., Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-86. 47 p.IMOG
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BB90Frank, R. M. 1985. Building New Spruce-Fir Stands - A Long-Term Localized Strategy for Reducing Spruce Budworm Impact. 365-366 in Sanders, C. J., R. W. Stark, E. J. Mullins and J. Murphy (ed.) : Recent Advances in Spruce Budworms Research. Proceedings of the CANUSA Spruce Budworms Research Symposium, 1984. September 16-20, Bangor, Maine. Can. For. Serv., Ottawa. 527 p. IMMOS
BB91Shepherd, R. F., T. G Gray and T. F. Maher. 1992. Managemant of black army cutworm. For. Canada, Pacific and Yukon Region, Pacific For. Centre. Victoria (BC). Inf. Rep. BC-X-335. 17 p.IMMOS
BB92Frisque, G. 1977. Régénération naturelle de l'épinette noire. Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval. Sainte-Foy. 546 p.Epn
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BB96Park, B. B., R. D. Yanai, T. J. Fahay, S. W. Bailey, T. G. Siccama, J. B. Shanley, N. L. Cleavitt. 2008. Fine Root Dynamics and Forest Production Across a Calcium Gradient in Northern Hardwood and Conifer Ecosystems. Ecosystems. 11:325-341.NUAR
BB97Déry, S., L. Bélanger, S. Marchand et S. Côté. 2000. Succession après épidémie de la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette (Choristoneura fumiferana) dans les sapinières boréales pluviales de seconde venue. Can. J. For. Res. 30:801-816.IM-SabAR
BB98Pominville, P., S. Déry et L. Bélanger. 1999. Dynamique de la sapinière à bouleau jaune de l'est après une épidémie de tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette. The Forestry Chronicle 75(3):515-534.IM-SabAR
BB99Pominville, P. 1993. Évolution quinquennale de la régénération protégée lors de récoltes par abattage manuel dans les sapinières. The Forestry Chronicle 69(5):569-578.SabAR
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BB110Alam, M. T. and W. F. Grant. 1972. Interspecific hybridization in birch (Betula). Le Naturaliste canadien, 99:33-40. BopAR
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BB114Smith, G. C., J. W Coulston et B. M. O'Connell. 2008. Ozone Bioindicators and Forest Health: A Guide to the Evaluation, Analysis, and interpretation of the Ozone Injury Data in the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program. U.S.D.A. Forest Serv., Northern Research Station, Gen. Techn. Rep. NRS-34. 101 p. IMMOS
BB115Stipes, R. J. and R. J. Campana. 1981. Compendium of Elm Diseases. Am. Phytopalthol. Soc., St. Paul, MN., 96 p. OraMOS
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BB117 Hubert, C. 1995. Pour une syviculture dynamique de l'Épicéa commun. AFOCEL Publications, Nangis, France. 70 p.EpoMOS
BB118Gasser, D., M.-H. Langis et M. Côté. 2008. L'épinette de Norvège (Picea abies (L.) Karst) : risque de naturalisation et d'envahissement des écosystèmes en Gaspésie. Gaspé (Qc),Consortium en foresteris Gaspésie-Les-Îles. 43 p. EpoMOS
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BB122Abgrall, J. F. et A.Soutrenon. 1991. La forêt et ses ennemis. 3e édition. Cemagref, ONF, IDF, Paris, 399 p.IMOG
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BB124Steil, J.C., C.R. Blinn, and R. Kolka. 2009. Foresters' Perceptions of Windthrow Dynamics in Northern Minnesota Riparian Zones. North. J. Appl. For., 26(2):76-82.IMAR
BB125Ruel, J.-C., P. Raymond et M. Pineau. 2003. Winthrow After Shelterwood Cutting in Balsam Fir Stands. North. J. Appl. For., 20(1):5-13.SabAR
BB126Macisaac, D.A. et R. Krygier. 2009. Development and long-term evaluation of harvesting patterns to reduce windthrow risk of understorey spruce in aspen-white spruce mixedwood stands in Alberta, Canada. Journal of Forestry, 82(3):323-342.EpbAR
BB127Abrams, M.D. 1998. The Red Maple Paradox - What explain the widespread expansion of red maple in eastern forests ?. Bioscience, 48(5):355-364.ErrAR
BB129Wood, D., R. Yanai, D. Allen et S. Wilmot. 2009. Sugar Maple Decline after Defoliation by Foret Tent Caterpillar. Journal of Forestry, 107(1):29-37.ErsAR
BB130Hartmann, H., M. Beaudet, M.J. Mazolle et C. Messier. 2009. Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) growth is influenced by close conspecifics and skid trail proximity following selection harvest. Forest Ecol. and Manage., 258(5): 761-772. ErsAR
BB131Grenier, M. et L. Sirois. 2009. Reproductive development and seed ripening in Betula papyrifera along and altiitudinal thermal gradient in eastern Appalachia (Canada). Botany, 87:492-500.Bop - BfcAR
BB132Fortin, S. 2002. Le thuya en Gaspésie. Programme de mise en valeur des ressources du milieu forestier, Volet 1 Expérimentation sylvicole et connaissance. Ministère des Ressources naturelles de la Faune et des Parcs. 90 p. Rapport interne.ThoMOS
BB133Hofmeyer, P.V., L.S. Kenefic et R.S.Seymour. 2009. Northern White-Cedar Ecology and Silviculture in the Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada : A Synthesis of Knowledge. North. J. Appl. For., 26(1):21-27.ThoAR
BB134Godbout, C. 2008. Longévité du bouleau à papier au Témiscamingue. Min. Ress. nat. et Faune, Dir. rech. For., Québec. Note de recherche no 133. 9 p.Bop - BocAR
BB135Horton, K.W. et G.H.D. Bedell. 1960. White and red pine - Ecology, Silviculture and Management. Dept. Northern Nat. Res., Forestry Branch. Ottawa, Bull. no 124. 185 p.Pib-PirMOS
BB136Hofmeyer, P.V., R.S.Seymour and L.S. Kenefic. 2009. Influence of Soil on Growth and Decay of Northern White-Cedar and two Associates in Maine. North. J. Appl. For., 26(2):68-75.ThoAR
BB137Burton, J.I., E.K. Zenner et L.E. Frelich. 2007. Frost Crack Incidence in Northern Hardwood Forests of the Soutern Boreal-North Temperate Transition Zone. North. J. Appl. For., 25(3) : 133-138.Ers - IMAR
BB139McKinnon, M, D. T. Quiring et É. Bauce. 1998. Ressource availability influences growth and foliar chemistry within and among young white spruce trees. Ecoscience, 5:295-305.EpbAR
BB140Boulet, B. 2001. Rétrospective : les enseignements de la dernière épidémie de tordeuses des bourgeons de l’épinette. Pp. 3-13 in Ressources nat. Canada (éd.). Colloque Tordeuse des bourgeons de l’épinette : l’apprivoiser dans nos stratégies d ’aménagement, Min. res. nat. Canada, Min. Res. nat. Québec, SOPFIM, Shawinigan, 27-29 mars 2001. 129 p.Epb, PibAR
BB141Gagnon, R. et H. Morin. 2001. Les forêts d'épinette noire du Québec: dynamique, perturbations et biodiversité. Le Naturaliste canadien, vol. 125(3):26-35. Epn, SabAR
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BB252Palmer, M.A et T.H. Nicholls. 1983. How To Identify and Control Diplodia Shoot Blight, Collar Rot, and Canker of Conifers. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest, Experiment Station, St. Paul, MN, Feuillet d’information HT-60. 8 p. Pir - IMMOS
BB253Black, W.M., D. Neely et J.A. Matteoni. 1977. How To Identify and Control Leaf Spot - Diseases of Black Walnut. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest, Experiment Station, St. Paul, MN, Feuillet d’information no 5. 6 p. Non - IMMOS
BB254Nicholls, T.H. et R.L. Anderson.1976. How To Identify and Control Pine Needle Rust Disease. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest, Experiment Station, St. Paul, MN, Feuillet d’information no 8. 6 p. Pis-Pig - Pir-IMMOS
BB255Filer, T. H. Jr. 1967. Pathogenicity of Cytospora, Phomopsis, and Hypomyces on Poplulus deltoides. Phytopathology, 57(9): 978- 980.Ped - IMAR
BB256Ostry, M. E., L. F. Wilson, H. S. Jr. McNabb, L.M. Moore, et M. Lincoln. 1988. A guide to insect, disease, and animal pests of poplars. U.S. Department of agriculture. Washington, DC. Agric. Handbook 677. 118 p.PEU -IMMOS
BB257Thompson, G. E. 1941. Leaf-spot diseases of poplars caused by Septoria musiva and S. populicola. Phytopathology, 31: 241- 254. PEU -IMAR
BB258Farrar, A et D. Ostrofsky. 2006. Dynamics of American Beech Regeneration 10 Years following Harvesting in a Beech Bark Disease-Affected Stand in Maine. North. J. Appl. For., 23(3): 192-196.Heg -IMAR
BB259Houston, R.D. 1980. Beech bark disease:what we do and do not know. Ann. Sci. Forest., 37(4): 269-274.Heg -IMAR
BB260Burns, B. S. et D. R. Houston. 1987. Managing Beech Bark Disease : Evaluating Defects and Reducing Losses. North. J. Appl. For., 4(1): 28-33Heg -IMAR
BB261Lonsdale, D. et D. Wainhouse. 1987. Beech Bark Disease. Forestry Commision Research Station. London. Bull. no 69. 15 p.Heg -IMMOS
BB262Leak, W. B. 2006. Fifty-Year Impacts of the Beech Bark Disease in the Bartlett Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. North. J. Appl. For., 23(2):141-143.Heg -IMAR
BB263Filip, S. M. 1978. Impact of Beech barck disease on uneven-age management of a northern hardwood forest (1952 to 1976). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Northeastern For. Experiment Station, For. Serv., Broomall, PA. Gen Tech. Report NE-45. 7 p.Heg -IMAR
BB264Evans, C. A., J. A. Lucas et M. J. Twery. 2005. Beech Bark Disease : Proceedings of the Beech Bark Disease Symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-331. Newtown Square PA, U.S. Department of Agriculture, For. Serv., Northern Research Station, 149 p.Heg -IMAR
BB265Zenner, E. K. et K. J. Puettmann. 2008. Contrasting Release Approaches for a Mixed Paper Birch (Betula papyrirera)-Quarking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Stand. North, J. Appl. For., 25(3):124-132.Pet-BopAR
BB266Shigo, A. 1965. The pattern of Decays and Discolorations in Northern Hardwoods. Phytopathology, 55(6):648-652.Ers-IMAR
BB268Shigo, A. 1967. Successions of Organisms in Discoloration and Decay of Wood. International Review of Forestry, 2:237-299.Ers-IMMOS
BB269Bragg, D. C. 2006. Potential Contributions of Figured Wood to the Practice of Sustainable Forestry. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 23(3):67-81.Ers-IMAR
BB271Blanchette, R. A. 1982. Progressive stages of discoloration and decay associated with the canker-rot fungus, Inonotus obliquus, in birch. Phytopathology, 72(10): 1272-1277.IMAR
BB272Shigo, A. L. 1969. How Poria oliqua and Polyporus glomeratus incite cankers. Phytopathology, 59(8):1164-1165.IMAR
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BB274British Columbia. 1996. Pine stem rust management guidebook. Forest Practices Code of British Columbia, 30 p.Pib-IMMOS
BB275Carey, J. H. 1995. Ribes lacustre. In : “Fires Effects Information System”. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Science Laboratory. Disponible en ligne :http:/www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/Ribes-PibMOS
BB276Charlton, J. W. 1963. Relating climate to eastern white pine blister rust infection hazard. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Eastern Region, 38 p.Pib-IMMOS
BB277De Groot, P., A. A. Hopkin et R. Sajan. 2005. Silvicultural techniques and guidelines for the management of major insects and diseases of spruce, pine and aspen in eastern Canada. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 65 p.IMMOS
BB278Haddow, W. R. 1969. The spread and development of white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola J.C. Fischer) in Ontario. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Research Branch, Research report no 86. .Pib-IMMOS
BB279Hunt, R. 1991. Operational control of white pine blister rust by removal of lower branches. The Forestry Chronicle, 67 : 284-287.Pib-IMAR
BB280Innes, L. et A. Lavallée. 1990. Projet d’une stratégie de protection contre la rouille vésiculeuse du pin blanc, Cronartium ribicola J. C. Fisher. Service de protection contre les insectes et les maladies, Min. Énergie et Ressources et Centre de foresterie des Laurentides, Forêts Canada, Québec, 10 p. (Rapport interne).Pib-IMMOS
BB281Katovich, S. , J. G. O’Brien, M. E. Mielke et M. E. Ostry. 2004. Restoration and management of eastern white pine within high blister rust hazard zones in the Lake States. Pp 135-145 In : Shepperd, W.D., Eskew, L.G. (Compilers), Silviculture in Special Places:Proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop, September 8-11. Granby, CO, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, CO, Proceedings RMRS-P-34. Pib-IMMOS
BB282Laflamme, G. 2003. Solutions to prevent white pine blister rust damage in eastern Canada. Pp 28-30 In :« White Pine Blister Rust Workshop », 27-28 Mars, 2003; Crown Plaza Hotel, Ottawa. Pib-IMMOS
BB283Laflamme, G. 1998. La rouille vésiculeuse du pin blanc, ça se contrôle. Pp 41-48 In : « Colloque Du pin blanc pour l’avenir : c’est possible », 3-4 Juin 1998, Mont-Laurier. Min. res. nat. Québec, Min. res. nat. Canada, CRFQ, Sainte-Foy. 123 p.Pib-IMMOS
BB284Laflamme, G., R. Blais et D. Desgagné. 1998. Control of Cronartium ribicola in Pinus strobus plantations. Pp. 299-303 In : Jalkanen, R., Crane, P.E., Walla, J.A., Aalto, T. (Eds.), Proceedings of the first IUFRO « Rusts of Forest Trees Working Party Conference », 2-7 August 1998, Saariselkä, Finland. Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research Paper 712.Pib-IMAR
BB285Lavallée, A. 1974. Une réévaluation de la situation concernant la rouille vésiculeuse du pin blanc au Québec. The Forestry Chronicle, 50 : 228-232.Pib-IMAR
BB286Lavallée, A. 1986. Zones de vulnérabilité du pin blanc à la rouille vésiculeuse au Québec. The Forestry Chronicle, 62 : 24-28.Pib-IMAR
BB287Lavallée, A. 1991. White pine blister rust control in a 5-year-old eastern white pine plantation at Verchères : Quebec (1984-1988 results). Pp 378-384 In : « Proceedings of the IUFRO Rusts of Pine Working Party Conference », 18-22 September, 1989. Forestry Canada, Northern Forestry Centre, Information Report NOR-X-317. Pib-IMMOS
BB288Lavallée, A. 1992. Évolution de la rouille vésiculeuse du pin blanc dans les jeunes plantations de pins blancs. Forêts Canada, Région du Québec, Rapport d’information LAU-X-101, 24 p.Pib-IMMOS
BB289Lehler, G. F. 1982. Pathological pruning : a useful tool in white pine blister rust control. Plant Disease, 66(12): 1138-1139.Pib-IMAR
BB290Liebhold, A. M., W. L. MacDonald, D. Bergdahl et V. C. Mastro. 1995. Invasion by exotic forest pests : A threat to forest ecosystems. Forest Science Monograph no 30, 49 p.Pib-IMMOS
BB291Lombard, K. et J. Bofinger. 1999. White pine blister rust Cronartium ribicola infection incidence for selected areas of New Hampshire. New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands, Department of Resources and Economic Development. 11 p.Pib-IMMOS
BB292Martin, J. F. 1944. Ribes eradication effectively controls white pine blister rust. Journal of Forestry, 42(4): 255-260.Pib-IMAR
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BB295Plourde, A., A. Lavallée et A. Corriveau. 1991. White pine blister rust in Quebec : past, present, and future. Pp 397-402 In « Proceedings of the IUFRO Rusts of Pine Working Party Conference », 18-22 September, 1989. Forestry Canada, Northern Forestry Centre, Information Report NOR-X-317.Pib-IMMOS
BB296Stewart, D. M. 1957. Factors affecting local control of white pine blister rust in Minnesota. Journal of Forestry, 55 : 832-837.Pib-IMAR
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BB299Weber, R. 1964. Early pruning reduces blister rust mortality in white pine plantations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Lake States Forest Experiment Station, Research Note LS-38. 2 p.Pib-IMFI
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BB301Laflamme, G. 2000. Resistance of Pinus banksiana to the European race of Gremminiella abietina. Phytoprotection, 81(2):49-55.Pig-IMAR
BB302Evans, A. M. et A. J. Finkral. 2010. A New Look at Spread Rates of Exotic Diseases in North Amarican Forest. Forest Science, 56(5): 453-459.Heg - Pib - IMAR
BB303Ostry, M.E. et G. Laflamme. 2009. Fungi and diseases - natural components of healty forests. Botany, 87: 22-25.Pig-IMAR
BB304Laflamme, G. 2005. Impact of scleroderris canker, American race, on seeded Pinus banksiana. Phytopathology, 95(Suppl):S170.Pig-IMAR
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BB313Laflamme, G. et L. Archambault. 1990. Evaluation of microclimatic factors affecting ascospore release of Gremmeniella abietina var. balsamea. Can. J. Plant. Pathol., 12 :190-194.IMAR
BB314Brisbin, R. L. et D. L. Sonderman. 1971. Trees Grades for Eastern White Pine. U. S. Department of Agriculture, For. Serv. Res., Upper Darby, PA. Res. Pap. NE -214. 30 p.IMMOS
BB315DeGroot, R. C. 1963. Weeviled leaders of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) favorable infection courts for Fomes pini. Phytopathol., 53: 348-349.IMAR
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BB317Ostrander, M. D.  1971. Identification and Evaluation of Defects in Eastern white pine. Logs and Trees. U. S. Department of Agriculture, For. Serv. Res., Upper Darby, PA. Res. Pap. NE-190. 27 p.IM
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BB321Whitney, R. D. 1991. Quality of eastern white pine 10 years after damage by logging. The Forestry Chronicle, 67(1): 23-26.IMAR
BB322Whitney, R. D. et L. G. Brace. 1979. Internal defect resulting from logging wounds in residual white pine trees. The Forestry Chronicle, 55 (1): 8-12.Pib-IMAR
BB323Blanchette, R. A. 1982. Phellinus (Fomes) pini decay associated with sweetfern rust in sapwood of jack pine. Can. J. For. Res., 12: 304-310.IMAR
BB324Boyce, J. S. 1961. Forest Pathology. 3e ed., McGraw-Hill, New York. 572 p.IMMOS
BB325Ménétrier, J. 2008. Le peuplier hybride au Québec : une révolution, une évolution ! Le Naturaliste Canadien, 132 (1): 46-54.Exo-PehAR
BB326Ménétrier, J. et G. Prégent. 2006. Visite de dispositifs expérimentaux sur l’éclaircie. Forêt d’expérimentation de Madawaska (secteur J). Colloque sur les éclaircies commerciales dans les plantations. Rivière-du-Loup, 7 et 8 juin 2006. Gouvernement du Québec., ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune, direction de la Recherche forestière. Document de visite. 38 p.ExoOG
BB328Dickmann, D.I., J.G. Isebrands, J.E. Eckenwalder and J. Richardson (Editors). 2001. Poplar Culture in North America. NRC Research Press. Ottawa. 395 p.ExoOG
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BB332Archambault, L. 1982. Impact du chancre hypoxylonien sur le tremble de 2 unités de gestion au Québec. The Forestry Chronicle, 58(3) :139-142.IMAR
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BB338OMNR. 1991. A grower's guide to hybrid poplar. Boysen, B. & S. Strolb Editions. 148 p.ExoOG
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BB341Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada. 2008. Arbres et arbustes pour l'aménagement de brise-vent dans les Prairies. Peuplier hybride. Disponible en ligne: http://www4.agr.gc.ca/AAFC-AAC/display-afficher.do?id=1192201777018&lang=f#hyb.ExoOG
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BB343Isebrands J. G. 2007. Best management practices poplar manual for agroforestry applications in Minnesota (Final). Environmental Forestry Consultants LLC. New London. 61 p. ExoOG
BB343Jobidon, R. 1994. Light threshold for optimal black spruce (Picea mariana) seedling growth and development under brush competition. Can. J. For. Res., 24 :1629-1635.Exo-EpnAR
BB344Ressources naturelles Canada. 2004. Épinette de Norvège: toujours une valeur sûre. L'Éclaircie n°9. Disponible en ligne: http://scf.rncan.gc.ca/nouvelles/133.ExoOG
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BB346Ressources naturelles Canada. 2007b. Peuplier hybride. Disponible en ligne: http://www.scf.rncan.gc.ca/soussite/glfc-tree-planting/peuplier-hybride.ExoOG
BB347Ressources naturelles Canada. 2007c. Plantation d'arbres sur les terres agricoles marginales en Ontario: mélèze d'Europe, mélèze du Japon et mélèze hybride. Disponible en ligne: http://www.scf.rncan.gc.ca/soussite/glfc-tree-planting/larix-decidua.Exo-MelOG
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BB351Gauthier, N. 2008. La ligniculture du peuplier hybride [Guide pratique]. Centre technologique des résidus industriels. Rouyn-Noranda. 21 p.Exo-PehOG
BB352Prégent, G. 1998. L'éclaircie des plantations. Gouv. du Québec, MRNF. Mémoire de recherche n° 133. 38 p.ExoOG
BB353Thiffault, N., V. Roy, G. Prégent, G. Cyr, R. Jobidon et J. Ménétrier. 2003. La sylviculture des plantations résineuses au Québec. Nat. Can., 127: 63-80.ExoAR
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BB356Daoust, G. 1999. Les programmes d’amélioration génétique : bilan des réalisations; l’épinette de Norvège. Dans L’amélioration génétique en foresterie : où en sommes-nous? Actes du colloque tenu à Rivière-du-Loup les 28, 29 et 30 septembre 1999. 69-76.ExoOG
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BB358Sigouin, M.-E. et S. Gaussiran. 2006. La culture du peuplier hybride. Centre technologique des résidus industriels. Rouyn-Noranda. Le couvert boréal, hiver 2006: 16-17. Disponible en ligne: http://www.afat.qc.ca/francais/doc_pdf/peup_hybride_maf.pdf.ExoAR
BB359Filiatrault, P. 2005. Revue des connaissances reliées à la préparation de terrain en populiculture. Revue de littérature. Réseau Ligniculture Québec. 15 p. Disponible en ligne: http://www.rlq.uqam.ca/cartable/revue_litt/ preparationTerrain2005 / revue_preparationTerrain.htm.ExoMOS
BB361Neuman, D.S., M. Wagner, J. H. Braatne et J. Howe. 1996. Stress physiology - abiotic in Biology of Populus and its implication for management and conservation. Part II, chap. 17, Edited by Stettler, R.F., H.D. Bradshaw Jr., P.E. Heilman, and T.M. Hinckley. NRC Research Press, Nat. Res. Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. 423-458.ExoOG
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BB443McLaughlin, J. A. 2001. Distribution, hosts, and site relationships of Armillaria spp. in central and southern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research, 31 :1481-1490.PET-IMAR
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BB472Lachance, D. 1978. The Effect of Decay on Growth Rate in a White Spruce Plantation. The Forestry Chronicle, 54(1) :20-23.Epb-IMAR
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BB488Whitney, R. D. 1989.  Root rot damage in naturally regenerated stands of spruce and balsam in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 19 :295-308.R-IMAR
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BB493Whitney, R. D. et R. N. Irwin. 2005. Comparaison of Armillaria root disease on burned and unburned harvest sites in Ontario. The Forestry Chronicle, 81(1) :56-60.R-IMAR
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BB502Venette, R. C. et S. D. Cohen. 2006. Potential climatic suitability establishment of Phytophtora ramorum within the contiguous United States, Forest Ecology and Management, 231 : 18-26.IMAR
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BB510Canham, C. D. 1988. Growth and canopy architecture of shade-tolerant trees: response to canopy gaps. Ecology. 69:786-795.HegAR
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BB513Beaudet, M. et C. Messier. 2008. Beech regeneration of seed and root sucker origin: a comparison of morphology, growth, survival, and response to defoliation. For. Ecol. Manage., 255(10) : 3659-3666.HegAR
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BB557Chamberlin, E. A. et L. W. Aarsen. 1996. The cost of apical dominance in white pine (Pinus strobus L.) : growth in multi-stemmed versus single-stemmed trees. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 123(4) : 268-272.Pib-IMAR
BB558Comtois, B., R. Lavallée et J. Morissette. 1989. Le charançon du pin blanc : un insecte à surveiller. Ordre des Ingénieurs forestiers du Québec. L’Aubelle, 69 :10-15.Pib-Epo-IMAR
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BB564Dixon, W. N. et M. W. Houseweart. 1982. Life tables of the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi, in central Maine. Environ. Entomology, 11(3) : 555-564.Pib-IMAR
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